Mapping and Validation of scRNA-Seq-Derived Cell-Cell Communication Networks in the Tumor Microenvironment. Bridges K and Miller-Jensen K., Frontiers in Immunology. vol. 13 (eCollection) 2022. View on Pubmed or at Frontiers in Immunology.
Note, sometimes our very newest publications won't appear here. You can search "Miller-Jensen" in Pubmed or BioRχiv to find them. Also, if you would like to read one of our publications and your library does not have access, please write to us for a reprint.
Mapping and Validation of scRNA-Seq-Derived Cell-Cell Communication Networks in the Tumor Microenvironment. Bridges K and Miller-Jensen K., Frontiers in Immunology. vol. 13 (eCollection) 2022. View on Pubmed or at Frontiers in Immunology.
A transcriptional cycling model recapitulates chromatin-dependent features of noisy inducible transcription. Bullock ME, Moreno-Martinez N and Miller-Jensen K., bioRxiv. () 2022. View on at bioRxiv.
TNF stimulation primarily modulates transcriptional burst size of NF-κB-regulated genes. Bass VL, Wong VC, Bullock ME, Gaudet S, Miller-Jensen K., Mol Sys Biol. vol. 17 (7) 2021. View on Pubmed or at Mol Sys Biol.
Single-cell secretion analysis reveals a dual role for IL-10 in restraining and resolving the TLR4-induced inflammatory response. Alexander AF, Kelsey I, Forbes H, Miller-Jensen K., Cell Reports. vol. 36 (12) 2021. View on Pubmed or at Cell Reports.
Co-stimulation with opposing macrophage polarization cues leads to orthogonal secretion programs in individual cells. Muñoz-Rojas AR, Kelsey I, Pappalardo JL, Chen M, Miller-Jensen K., Nat Commun. vol. 12 (1) 2021. View on Pubmed or at Nat Commun..
3D Model of the Early Melanoma Microenvironment Captures Macrophage Transition into a Tumor-Promoting Phenotype. Pizzurro GA, Liu C, Bridges K, Alexander AF, Huang A, Baskaran JP, Ramseier J, Bosenberg MW, Mak M, Miller-Jensen K., Cancers. vol. 13 (18) 2021. View on Pubmed or at Cancers.
Microfluidic platform enables live-cell imaging of signaling and transcription combined with multiplexed secretion measurements in the same single cells . Ramji R, Alexander AF, Muñoz-Rojas AR, Kellman LN, Miller-Jensen K., Integr Biol. vol. 11 2019. View on Pubmed or at Integr Biol.
Fold-change detection of NF-κB at target genes with different transcript outputs. Wong VC, Mathew S, Ramji R, Gaudet S, Miller-Jensen K., Biophys J. vol. 116 2019. View on Pubmed or at Biophys J..
Systems analysis by mass cytometry identifies susceptibility of latent HIV-infected T cells to targeting of p38 and mTOR pathways. Linda E. Fong, Victor L. Bass, Serena Spudich, Kathryn Miller-Jensen, BioRχiv. 2018. View on at BioRχiv.
NF-κB-Chromatin Interactions Drive Diverse Phenotypes by Modulating Transcriptional Noise. Wong VC, Bass VL, Bullock ME, Chavali AK, Lee REC, Mothes W, Gaudet S, Miller-Jensen K, Cell Rep. (3) 585-599, 2018. View on Pubmed or at Cell Rep.
Myofibroblast proliferation and heterogeneity are supported by macrophages during skin repair . Shook BA, Wasko RR, Rivera-Gonzalez GC, Salazar-Gatzimas E, López-Giráldez F, Dash BC, Muñoz-Rojas AR, Aultman KD, Zwick RK, Lei V, Arbiser JL, Miller-Jensen K, Clark DA, Hsia HC, Horsley V. , Science. 2018. View on Pubmed or at Science.
Myeloid-targeted immunotherapies act in synergy to induce in ammation and antitumor immunity. Perry C.J., Muñoz-Rojas A.R., Meeth KM, Kellman L.N., Amezquita RA, Thakral D., Du V.Y., Wang J.X., Damsky W., Kuhlmann A.L., Sher J.W., Bosenberg M., Miller-Jensen K., Kaech S.M., J Exp Med. vol. 215 (3) 2018. View on Pubmed or at J Exp Med..
Advancing systems immunology through data-driven statistical analysis. Fong LE, Muñoz-Rojas AR, Miller-Jensen K, Curr Opin Biotechnol. 109-115, 2018. View on Pubmed or at Curr Opin Biotechnol.
Systems analysis of latent HIV reversal reveals altered stress kinase signaling and increased cell death in infected T cells. Fong LE, Sulistijo ES, Miller-Jensen K, Sci Rep. (1) 16179, 2017. View on Pubmed or at Sci Rep.
Redefining Signaling Pathways with an Expanding Single-Cell Toolbox. Gaudet S., Miller-Jensen K., Trends Biotechnol. vol. 34 (6) 2016. View on Pubmed or at Trends Biotechnol..
Generalized selection to overcome innate immunity selects for host breadth in an RNA virus. Wasik B.R., Muñoz-Rojas A.R., Okamoto K.W., Miller-Jensen K., Turner PE., Evolution. vol. 70 (2) 2016. View on Pubmed or at Evolution.
Highly multiplexed profiling of single-cell effector functions reveals deep functional heterogeneity in response to pathogenic ligands. Lu Y., Xue Q., Eisele M.R., Sulistijo E.S., Brower K., Han L, Amir el-A.D., Pe'er D., Miller-Jensen K., Fan R., Proc Natl Acad Sci. vol. 112 (7) E607-15, 2015. View on Pubmed or at Proc Natl Acad Sci.
Distinct promoter activation mechanisms modulate noise-driven HIV gene expression. Chavali A.K., Wong V.C., Miller-Jensen K., Scientific Reports. vol. 5 (17661) 2015. View on Pubmed or at Scientific Reports.
Analysis of single-cell cytokine secretion reveals a role for paracrine signaling in coordinating macrophage responses to TLR4 stimulation . Xue Q., Lu Y., Eisele M.R., Sulistijo E.S., Khan N, Fan R, Miller-Jensen K., Science Signaling. vol. 8 (381) 2015. View on Pubmed or at Science Signaling.
A passive-flow microfluidic device for imaging latent HIV activation dynamics in single T cells. Ramji R., Wong V.C., Chavali A.K., Gearhart L.M., Miller-Jensen K., Integrative Biology. vol. 7 (9) 998-1010, 2015. View on Pubmed or at Integrative Biology.
"Pop-slide" patterning: rapid fabrication of microstructured PDMS gasket slides for biological applications. Ramji R., Khan N.T., Muñoz Rojas A., Miller-Jensen K., RSC Advances. vol. 5 2015. View on Pubmed or at RSC Advances.
Quantitative Evaluation and Optimization of Co-drugging to Improve Anti-HIV Latency Therapy. Wong V.C., Fong L.E., Adams N.M., Xue Q., Dey S.S., Miller-Jensen K., Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering. vol. 7 (3) 320-333, 2014. View on Pubmed or at Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering.
High-throughput secretomic analysis of single cells to assess functional cellular heterogeneity. Lu Y., Chen JJ, Mu L, Xue Q., Wu Y., Wu P.H., Li J., Vortmeyer A.O., Miller-Jensen K., Wirtz D, Fan R., Anal Chem. vol. 85 (4) 2548-56, 2013. View on Pubmed or at Anal Chem.
Genetic selection for context-dependent stochastic phenotypes: Sp1 and TATA mutations increase phenotypic noise in HIV-1 gene expression. Miller-Jensen K., Skupsky R., Shah P.S., Arkin A.P., Schaffer D.V., PLoS Computational Biology. vol. 9 (7) 2013. View on Pubmed or at PLoS Computational Biology.
Systems biology of virus-host signaling network interactions. Xue Q., Miller-Jensen K., BMB Reports. vol. 45 (4) 2012. View on Pubmed or at BMB Reports.
Chromatin accessibility at the HIV LTR promoter sets a threshold for NF-κB mediated viral gene expression. Miller-Jensen K., Dey S.S., Pham N., Foley J.E., Arkin A.P., Schaffer D.V., Integrative Biology. vol. 4 (6) 2012. View on Pubmed or at Integrative Biology.
Varying virulence: epigenetic control of expression noise and disease processes. Miller-Jensen K., Dey S.S., Schaffer D.V., Arkin A.P., Trends in Biotechnology. vol. 29 (10) 2011. View on Pubmed or at Trends in Biotechnology.
Control of stochastic gene expression by host factors at the HIV promoter. Burnett, J.C., Miller-Jensen, K., Shah, P.S.,Arkin, A.P., Schaffer, D.V., PLoS Pathogens. vol. 5 (1) 2009. View on Pubmed or at PLoS Pathogens.
Common effector processing mediates cell-specific responses to stimuli. Miller-Jensen, K.*, Janes, K.A.*, Brugge, J. S., Lauffenburger, D.A., Nature. vol. 448 (7153) 604-8, 2007. (Research highlight in Nature Biotechnology, 9/07) View on Pubmed or at Nature.
Adenoviral vector saturates Akt pro-survival signaling and blocks insulin-mediated rescue of tumor necrosis-factor-induced apoptosis. Miller-Jensen, K., Janes, K.A., Wong, Y., Griffith, L.G., Lauffenburger, D.A., J Cell Science. vol. 119 (18) 3788-98, 2007. View on Pubmed or at J Cell Science.